Sadhana Panchakam, Instruction 9

Isvara, the Supreme Self

Translation and Commentary by Jayaram V

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2.1. Practice satsang, association with pious people

This instruction is especially useful in the early stages of sannyasa when an initiate has given up worldly life and not yet found a guru or a guide. At this stage a seeker needs a lot of motivation, encouragement, knowledge and good advice to persist in his practice. Spiritual life is not easy. It requires a lot of resolve to deal with the pain and hardship and the resistance that develops within oneself in response to the purification one aims to achieve.

This problem can be resolved by developing association with likeminded people. Pious people by nature are friendly, truthful, virtuous, pure and compassionate. Since, they are detached, saintly and selfless, they have no hidden agendas or ulterior motives. Hence, they are reliable and trustworthy. To be in their company is to be in the company of God himself.

By observing them and learning from them, a seeker can learn a lot and overcome his own ignorance, doubts and fears. Since they are already on the path and went through a similar experience he can benefit from their knowledge and wisdom and gain insight to stabilize his mind and strengthen his resolve. Frequent meetings with them will generate in him a deep desire and aspiration to be like them and prepare for his own journey, proactively avoiding their Problems, mistakes and failures to the extent possible.

By itself, satsanga is a transformative practice which is highly recommended in many devotional and spiritual traditions. Good thoughts from pious people nourish the mind and promote sattva. Association with truthful people is association with truth (sat) itself. Only by truth does one reach the Self. Hence, association with truth and truthful people is highly recommended in spiritual practice to set one’s feet firmly on the path of renunciation and overcome desires.

Constant interaction and exchange of thoughts with pious people will leave its lasting effect upon the mind and body and a deep yearning to know the self and become dissolved in it. Since, pious people practice penances and austerities and possess a lot of spiritual energy (tapah), some of that energy becomes transferred to others during their interactions. It is said that satsanga leads to nissanga (detachment) from worldly life. The people with whom you share your spiritual experiences become a part of your journey and become your extended family of friends, well-wishers and mentors.

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