Some Aspects of Our Evolving Creativity


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by Robert Najemy

Following are some aspects of our evolving creativity.

1. We have greater control over our body and mind. The body does not get ill. It is able to relax when we tell it to. It is able to perform and work when we want it to. It is an instrument in the true sense of the word. An instrument does not refuse to relax or to work. It does what we want it to do. Imagine a piano that wants to play its own tune, or a flute that refuses to play what we want to play. Thus, the first step is learning to control the body and mind through techniques such as dietary control, exercises, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques and meditation.

2. An evolved vehicle of expression has an increased influence on its environment. We do not mean control over the environment and people, but one¢s thoughts, words and actions have a greater effect on those around one. If, at one stage of its evolution, it could bring peace to one person, eventually it might be able to bring peace or happiness to one hundred people. Not that the number is important; it just means that the energy, peace and love, flowing through this vehicle are greater and it is natural for it to affect more people (even animals and plants) either consciously or subconsciously. Again there is no limitation as to how this energy may be expressed. It may be expressed through the role of mother, doctor, engineer, dancer, artist, musician, writer, lawyer, farmer, shoe- maker, bookseller...there is no limit.

3. The tone and nature of expression will embody more and more the spiritual archetypes of love, peace, beauty, harmony, truth, and right action. Whatever is expressed through this body and personality will bring these feelings of harmony, peace and love to others.

This means, too, that there will be a connection with the universal archetypes behind each action and role. For example, a lawyer will connect himself up to the higher universal laws and will be interested in the welfare of all mankind and not in personal gain or fame. A doctor will recognize the universal healing energy, which is flowing through all beings, and seek to facilitate that flow with as natural means as possible. He will also give less attention to earning large amounts of money and more to preventative medicine, so that all beings may have health. A musician will be in touch with the universal melodies, which are already formed on higher levels of existence, and become a channel for their expression here on earth. He will not create music from his mind, or from his ego, or frustrated emotional problems, but will be an open channel for the flow of divine music through him. All those who are cooking will come into harmony with the natural forces within the food and prepare it in such a way that these vital energies will not be lost. They will become aware of the divine in the food and will prepare it with due respect. All beings will recognize the one universal spirit, which is residing in all beings of all forms and color, and feel universal love for all of them, without conditions.

4. An evolved personality learns to not identify with the result of its creative effort. He makes his best effort using all of his mind, heart and energy, but is willing to accept the results as perfect for that moment in the evolution of man. He continues to try to beautify the world with his creative actions and his way of life, undiscouraged and unattached to specific results. The work is his, the results are God¢s. He is responsible only for the quality of his effort and motives, not for his results.

Thus, as we can see, the process of opening ourselves to this divine creative flow is a spiritual opening, which brings us inner satisfaction, a feeling of meaningfulness and greater spiritual awareness. It is of utmost benefit for ourselves and for the society around us. Let us now investigate some of those beliefs that obstruct this evolution and flow.


What are those beliefs that undermine our power, ability, creativity, talent and expression? The answers to this question might be found in your answers to questions number 7, 9, 11, 16, 24, 29 and 30 in the questionnaire given in the previous chapter Do not be limited, however, to investigating these answers only. You may find that your childhood environment may have programmed you with some of the following limiting beliefs:

1. I cannot dance, sing, draw, make arithmetic calculations, face difficult people, etc.

2. If I fail, they will laugh at me, they will criticize me, and they will not love me.

3. I must be perfect to be loved. (It is easy for a child to get this impression, since he has likely heard angry voices and criticism whenever he made mistakes and kind words and approval when he was "correct.")

4. I cannot do this as well as the others. Thus I should not try. I must do it best or better. I am not acceptable if I am not "the best". (This is a common programming of our competitive culture, which gives emphasis to who is better in grades, sports, business, etc, rather than to the effort or to the moral quality of the person.)

5. I am not as smart as the others, and thus will not be able to succeed, nor will I be acceptable to them.

6. If I do that which I want to do, (i.e. change jobs, express myself in different unusual ways) I will not be accepted by the others.

7. If I change my life-style to something, which expresses my real feelings and beliefs more, I may not make it financially. Better to stay where I am although it does not interest me at all. At least I am economically secure.

8. What will others think of me if I am different? (This is also a common belief, since in our school years whoever was different was laughed at and rejected by teachers and the other children.)

9. I have nothing to offer. I have no great abilities or talents that would be useful to others. Better not to bother.

These, and many other such thoughts, are a function of our childhood programming and in direct contradiction with the truth of our real identity. How can we get free from them?

Suggestions for Further Reading

Author:Robert Elias Najemy who is the author of 20 books which have sold over 100,000 copies. He is the founder and has been the director of the Center for Harmonious Living in Athens, Greece for the last 26 years. The center has a membership of 3000 clients and 600 students. He has lectured over 25,000 hours and has worked with around 20,000 persons through personal appointments, classes and seminars. His site is

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