Lifestyle Related Middle Age Health Disorders

Health Information

by Sankarapandian

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In the name of modern life style people tend to ignore the facts which they should be taken care of. Usually they don't wake up until the side effects descends on them. The fast paced life style is creating dangerous disorders on their health and they begin to feel it only above the age of 40. The junk filled life style has even increased its pace and those who are in their 30s begin to feel it.

There is a old saying that, "we are what we eat". It even holds good today. If you are consuming high calorie foods and not doing enough exercise, it will tell on your health sooner than later. You need to be more careful when you are approaching the age of 40. Diabetes, respiratory infection, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoporosis are some main problems, people in this age group confront with. The food habits and unhealthy lifestyle are the main contributors.

The most important period in life is between forty and fifty. It is in this period one ha to bear more responsibilities in their profession as well as family. They have to travel often, attend multiple meetings, manage a team and meet targets or deadlines. Their children will be in their teens and need more care towards their education. The teens need varies from materialistic to emotional. On the other side they have to cope with financial stress. To plan for the imminent arrival of the retirement period and the rising expenses put enormous stress on them.

When nearing 60 the responsibilities will reduce. But the damage done to the health in their busy 40s may be difficult to reverse. Given their busy schedules, these people have little time for any exercise. The stress and strain filled life style, long working hours and unhealthy eating habits complicate matters.

Good and healthy eating habits

As in most families both the parents are working, they find little or no time to cook in the house. They rely heavily on ready to cook food and junk food. These high calorie foods not only affect the health of the parents but also the next generations in their house. Moreover today's job or profession is highly demanding which makes them working for long hours, leaving little time to look after their house and children. This automatically push them to the easiest choice of ready-to-eat junk foods. These foods consists of high calories and has artificial coloring and preservatives. So there is no wonder why these foods are serious health hazards over a period of time. Using readymade foods deprives one of essential vitamins and minerals which are rich in our traditional foods. Vegetables and fruits find no place in their menu.

Frequent consumption of junk foods with irregular intake of meals may contribute to many health problems such as acidity. gastroenteritis, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Due to these factors people in this age group complain of fatigue. Those above 40 have no other option but to modify their dietary intake and lifestyle to optimize their health and avoid old age ailments. Take more foods like whole grains and legumes, fruits and vegetables. Lean meat is preferred most and take more protein rich foods. Avoid oily food or reduce to the minimum level. Avoiding bad habits altogether is advisable. Reduce alcohol consumption slowly and quit smoking.

Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements or nutritional supplements is a must in this world of hectic lifestyle. Remember it is not a choice, but it is a must. Because home-cooking contributes only a little to our daily food and today's fruits and vegetables are contaminated and lack proper nutritional values. So regarding nutrition, there is a huge gap between what we need and what we get. This deprives our inner organs the essential nutrition they need to function normally. As a result they get more aged than our physical age.

Take micronutrient fortified foods. Have a health drink rich in vitamins and minerals. Include more fibrous foods with zero sugar and cholesterol. Plan your daily intake so that your food is balanced with essential nutrients. This helps to get the daily quota of nutrients. A balanced diet helps to improve the immunity level and keep one healthier.

Daily exercise

The dietary supplements help to provide nourishment but are not a full substitute to a regular balanced diet. The second most important thing is doing regular exercise. Walking is the best and the easiest form of physical activity. Go for a thirty minute brisk walking, at least four to five days in a week. Regular exercise helps to burn excess calories and avoids becoming obesity. It helps to maintain good health. Take regular health check-ups for sugar level, cholesterol and blood pressure. Change your eating habits. Take more vegetables and fruits and give importance to home cooking. Do regular exercise. The simple thing is, the intake of calories should match the spent calories. Making the necessary adjustments in our routine life will keep away the life style disorders.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended for general health care information purposes or educational purposes only, and should not be considered complete or used as a substitute for consultation or advice from a physician and/or healthcare provider. It should not be used to diagnose and treat any diseases. Individuals are encouraged to contact their own private physician or healthcare provider regarding continuation or changes in their symptoms. If you have a serious health problem or should you have any questions about the information found on this site, please call or consult your physician or healthcare provider before taking any action.Advertisements displayed on this page are either Google ads or affiliate links. They are not endorsements.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Sankarapandian s may be contacted at http://www.internethomebusinessopportunities

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